Everybody has a dream.
You will know you if you have a dream, it’s burning deep inside you. You can see a life, a vision, of how you want your life to be. This vision is determined by your set of values. It’s an expression of those values.
What do you internally dialoge about? Affirm to yourself? What is that conversation about? That’s based on your values too.
Anything that comes along and supports those higher values, you call it good! Anything that comes along that challenges your highest values you call it bad! Anything that you do that support your highest values you consider yourself good. Your internal morals are labelled good when ever you do things that align with what you think your highest values are. So, anytime you do things that challenges your values you label yourself bad. So in a sense, we are oscilating systems that bring ourselves up, put ourselves down based on these core values. When someone else comes along and supports our value system or challenges our value system, we call them good or bad and that’s the ethics that we are involved in. So we have an internal moral and an external ethics system that we’re constantly living and interacting with depending on whoever we are with. Whether it’s one person or many people. So we are constantly projecting onto the universe that value system.
When you are speaking to someone, observe what they react to. If you say something that supports their values, they are going to smile and learn to be open and be in line with you. If you say something that is against their values, they will close off and repel you and frown. So what they smile and frown about is telling you their sets of values. Every time you’re talking to somebody, their facial expressions are revealing to you their set of values. If you are acutely aware, positive or negative feedback regardless, is serving you, if you know how to ask and observe. They are giving you feedback about their values.
So if you want to live your dream, you have to firstly clarify your true values. Then you need to keep that dream vision firmly in your mind. Then, if you enroll people around you in your dream, you will soon see who is willing to support your dream and who is not by observing their facial expressions. Those not willing to support you should be distanced and you will start to draw people to you who will support your vision.
Go ahead now and find your Dream Vision!
Maria Allegria