Get Happy Quickly

Get Happy Quickly? – Impossible, you may say.  Well there are ways of getting yourself to a happier state quickly.

When you feel down and in the dumps, for whatever reason: eg. maybe you’ve had a traumatic event like a death in the family, or a break-up from a loved one, or you lost your job, or just plain fed-up  because of the weather. What happens is that our serotonin levels in our bodies reduce themselves to lower levels and can make us feel unhappy.  Serotonin is a natural chemical that we have in our body that contributes to our feelings of happiness and well-being.

Get Happy Quickly – by increasing your Serotonin Levels naturally.

To increase the serotonin levels in my body, I do the following things below.  I do them regularly throughout the year so I don’t have to wait to feel blue before I start to implement them.

  • I keep a close circle of friends that are happy and content in their lives. They are not negative thinking and they do not pass on any pessimistic thoughts to me. I minimise my contact with people who don’t see the bright side of life and all they do is complain a lot.
  • I exercise often, even doing something small like a brisk walk to the shops and back. This gets the oxygen circulating in my body and increases my heart beat. I do find that exercise of all kinds is very helpful to raising serotonin levels in my body. Swimming and being in contact with water is excellent to get happy quickly too.
  • I eat healthy foods and drink delicious smoothies during the day. I choose not to get hooked on the carbohydrates fix, so I avoid foods like high sugary ones, fizzy drinks and caffeine.
  • I laugh a lot, so I go out of my way to find things that make me laugh! Maybe it could be a conversation on the phone with a close friend, a comedy programme on the TV, a Salsa Dancing Class, watching silly videos on YouTube, do Karaoke, or singing out loud in the shower, many more things too. There are ‘Laughter Classes’ available now in most big cities, through the Yoga Centres, do look them up in your area. It will be worth it!
  • I am a hugger, I love hugging people and I love receiving hugs back! It’s a natural thing for me and it helps me to get happy quickly. I found out recently, that hugging and a healthy s sex life, increases the Oxytocin levels in our bodies too. Oxytocin is the chemical that evokes feelings of contentment, reduces anxiety, and creates a feeling of calmness and security around us. This helps us to get happy quickly and not to feel sad and alone.
  • I have positive thoughts all day long and don’t allow fear and negativity to take control of my mind. I think thoughts like, I have the right to be happy. I choose to be happy, it is my choice. I choose not to be sad, unhappy, alone, or unloved. I love myself and I forgive myself for any sadness and upset. I am full, complete and perfect and there is nothing missing.  I’m fully in charge of my life. I focus my thoughts in the present, here and now. I get happy quickly within seconds of deciding that’s what I am. Happy!
  • I listen to music that is uplifting and emotive. I go to live concerts, musicals,  gigs, so the music takes me away into the atmosphere of happiness and fun.
  • I meditate for at least 10 minutes every morning (minimum). This helps me very much to see what kind of thoughts are in my head. I clear my thoughts and go deep inside myself and this gets me in touch with what is really going on.
  • I joined some local groups and associations. I participate in activities that have built my network, so now these groups are a place that I am able to go to on my own,  I feel safe and I feel connected, as we are all on the same wavelength. For example, I have joined the Property Investing Groups in my area, the Entrepreneurs and Business Meet Up group, I do Salsa Dancing Classes regularly (Miracles happen here! I would HIGHLY recommend!), I play CashFlow 101 Games in groups of people and they have interesting speakers at these events. These are great ways to Get Happy Quickly!

These are just some of the practices that I do every day. I encourage you to choose at least two from this list and incorporate them into your daily routine. This will definitely help you to raise the Serotonin levels in your body and you will get happy quickly without doubt. I encourage you to do it now. Take on 2 of the above immediately and start to get the life want right now. Do it now, stop everything you are doing and do it now!

With Love,
Maria Allegria


I’m Comfortable!

Whenever you’re faced with a challenge to change something in life, the easiest thing to say to yourself is ‘I’m comfortable!’ Why should I change! What will happen to me if I change? What if I don’t like it? I think I’ll stay the way I am.. I’m comfortable!

Changing jobs is always a challenge. Should I or shouldn’t I change? Well you’ll never know until you try it, right? If a golden opportunity comes your way and you are too frightened to go for it, you will never know your true potential. You will be always suppressing all that you can be. Ask yourself this question, and answer this honestly, are you doing all you can, with all you’ve got? If the answer is no, you are not being true to yourself.

You are not fulfilling your true purpose in life and you are wasting some of your best years just by saying I’m comfortable.

The same happens when people get to a certain level of wealth (money, I mean).. They have the fancy car, they have the big house, they have the 2 wonderful holidays a year and the kids are going to the right schools. They are comfortable! So therefore, why change a good thing, just let it be! They will never know how amazing life can be if they only tried just a little bit harder and challenged themselves to be who they really are and find their true purpose. There is a challenge around every corner, you can choose to rise up to it, or let it just float by!

Remember, If You Change Nothing – Nothing Will Change! ‘I’m Comfortable‘ will not help you to change.

Your comfort zone is where you live your life normally. When you feel uncomfortable, then you are starting to experience change. Embrace change as life is never static. Saying I’m comfortable does not serve you.

‘You Must Be The Change You Want To See In The World’ says Mahatma Gandhi.. to right! So get up and get challenged, do what you can with what you’ve got and you will start to live the life of your dreams. When you hear yourself saying I’m Comfortable, ask yourself, what can I do next as a challenge? Do it now, don’t hesitate!

Maria Allegria



Why didn’t he call me when he said he would?

by maradm on January 30, 2012

How often has that happened to you? You meet this wonderful guy, you are getting on so well together, he takes your phone number and then he never calls you! Why is that?

Well, one of the main reasons why your new guy did not to call you is because you didn’t show him you were really interested in him. You really, really need to show the guy that you would like to see him again and that you have interest in him. Clear signals are definitely the key. If by chance you are not sure, don’t hesitate to give him clear signals all the same. If guy picks up on the smallest hesitation or moment of doubt in your wanting to see him, he won’t be calling you. I can guarantee it..

How can I tell if he likes me though?
Well there are a few tell tale signs that are very clear. If he is tries to get closer and closer to you with his body, he will start to gravitate towards you like a magnet. Men do this unconsciously. Also, when you are in conversation, does he offer up information that you didn’t ask for, like his job, his car or his hobbies or where he went on holidays?  Then he’s trying to impress you and that’s a good thing. Another thing, if the conversation dies down, does he try to reinitiate the conversation? If yes, then he’s interested. If he’s not interested, he would go back to his friends and walk off and leave the conversation there..and lastly, does the guy look for ways to touch you, in small ways? Did he give you a playful tap on the arm, a high five, or something like that? Guys are always looking for excuses to touch you if they are attracted to you.

So remember, clear signals, clear intentions, don’t get distracted by anything or anyone else. The guys will flow to you like an open river. Be ready to accept all that comes your way. Practice this every day and see that you will get the life you want and love.
Maria Allegria


If You Value Yourself, Riches Will Come To You

by maradm on January 8, 2012

If You Value Yourself, Riches Will Come To You.  If you don’t value yourself, your riches will go to those you value more than yourself.

The good thing is, you can change your self-esteem and you can learn to value yourself.

How can you value yourself more?

Make sure you surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of toxic relationships Be close to those who love and care about you, and those who treat you well. Avoid negative people especially those who treat you badly. A lot of how we feel about ourselves depends on how much we feel loved and accepted by others.

Recognize that you have skills and talents and they are unique to you. Build up on them and become even better, so you become an expert and people will come to you for help.

Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are perfect the way you are and accept it. You don’t have to be the coolest person in a group, you don’t have to be the best looking. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop letting others get the best of you. Eleanor Roosevelt was right when she said “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” Be unique, be different, be best person you can be.

Make eye contact with people often. Smile at them and wait for them to smile back. Stand tall and be proud of yourself, no matter what.

Put on your best clothes every day, Don’t wear your scruffy clothes until they have holes in them even around the house. So dress nicely and you will feel better, stronger and much more alive.

Think about those who don’t have the things you have and use that as inspiration to appreciate yourself!

Do something nice for someone. Remember, some people can’t see, hear, walk, or even talk—so, if you’re better off, be thankful, appreciate yourself and start living the life you were meant to live.

Don’t allow obstacles, personal insecurities and a “victim” mentality to rob you of the pleasure of achieving your goals. Set your goals and give them a deadline. Otherwise they are just a dream.

Make a decision to feel worthy and deserving of goodness flowing through you and to you. Expect a good life and demand it for yourself. You don’t need anyone’s stamp of approval to feel good about yourself. So, don’t be afraid. You are a unique and special person with an important contribution to make to the world.

Start practicing straight away, value yourself immediately, so you can get the life you love right now.

Maria Allegria 


The Science of Getting Rich

by maradm on January 4, 2012

getting rich

The Science of Getting Rich  - Wallace D Wattles written in 1910

I have recently listened to the recording of this amazing book for at least the 20th time! I have written a short summary for you of what it’s all about, but I would highly encourage you to spend the time to listen to it yourself. Many of the top wealth creators like Bob Proctor and Robert G Allen all mention and refer to this book very often. It’s so simple and inspirational..

Here is what Wallace D Wattles says:

Failure is Impossible

  • Failure to be rich is impossible as it’s an exact  science
    It’s your right to be rich
    If you are being content with having less than you can achieve, it is sinful
    Science of getting Rich Is doing things ‘In The Certain Way’

‘In The Certain Way’

  • Getting rich is doing things in ’this Certain Way’
    -It’s not too difficult, that others can’t do it
    -It’s not a matter of environment
    -It’s not particular to a specific business
    -It’s best in a business you like better..
    -Talents that suit you and your locality
    - Lack of capital not a problem

 Because doing things ‘In this Certain Way’ is what causes success and the capital will come.

Being Creative’ is ’The Certain Way’

There is no hurry, so do not act competitively
When you hurry you cease to be a Creator and you become a competitor and your creation goes away.

Efficient Action

Wattles warns us against the temptation of relying solely on the power of the mind to attract riches to our life.
The Lack of Focus on our Actions is the most important reason why most Law of Attraction books fail.
ThoughtandPersonal Action’, must be combined

- By Thought- you bring it to you,
- By Action- you receive it

Do not to overwork. It’s not number of things you do but Efficiency of your Act, every Efficient Act is a success in itself.
If all acts are efficient, you will be successful. Hold your vision during your actions.


Give more in value, than you get in cash value
Give the impression of Increase to everyone you are in contact with
Riches received – will be in exact proportion to:

–      Definiteness of Your Vision
–      Fixity of Your Purpose
–      Steadiness of Your Faith
–      Depth of Your Gratitude

The End

Here is the recording on the link below – It’s free and isn’t too long to listen to.. get listening now and get creating now.. start now, so you can have the life you want, right now!

Maria Allegria

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My 5 Successes!

by maradm on January 2, 2012

My 5 successes

At the end of each day, I write down in my Success Log, a list of my 5 Successes of the Day..

My 5 Successes… 

For example, I wrote down today that I did my personal finances and banking and got them all up to date. I paid my bills, added up all my expenses so I can keep a close eye on them. That’s what I think is a great success and feeling of satisfaction, because I know what’s happening with my finances and it eliminates any nasty surprises at the end of the month.

Next, I went through a pile of papers that were sitting on my desk for a few weeks, which were just piling up higher and higher. I reduced the pile to less than a quarter of the size and actioned the most important ones immediately.

After that, I returned a phone call to a good friend of mine who had left message on my answer machine a few days ago. She inspired me to start back with my meditation and yoga classes again. I also got a great invitation to visit her in Denmark next month. I can’t wait!

Next thing I knew, with no delay, I was booking my flights to Denmark! So that was a great success in itself! Booking time out to see my great friend and knowing that it’s something I can look forward to in the coming weeks was just fantastic.

Lastly, one of my 5 successes was that I finally made it to the charity shop with some things I had put aside to give away. While I was in the shop, I bought a book that had caught my eye on the book shelf; it was Robert G Allen’s book Multiple Streams of Millions. I’ve been meaning to read that book for ages, so I’ve started reading it immediately.

So when I look back on my day and reflect on all the things I did, I get great satisfaction in knowing that all of these things in my life are getting done. The most amazing thing is that I find I’m really pushing myself to do more and more things. So during the day, I remind myself that I have to have my 5 Successes to write into my Success Log so I’m getting loads more things done every day! The most important thing is, I don’t want the dilemma of having nothing to write in my Success Log, so it’s really amazing how much it pushes me to get things done!

Remember that Successes bring on other Successes! When you feel like you are achieving things and getting things done, there is a great satisfaction and euphoria attached to it. It is one of the greatest motivators in getting the life you desire quickly. So, start today, start this minute, right now, start to record all of your Successes of each day and you will have great Success in your Life.

Maria Allegria 


Life Values

What happens when we idolise or belittle our life partner..? Well, it’s all based on our Life Values.  

You should know that no two people have the same set of Life Values. It’s impossible. Nobody has the same representation of the world, because we all came into the world at different moments and that’s what makes us unique. This puts a big challenge on all our relationships. Everybody is seeing things through different eyes and are expecting different expectations and outcomes.

When you fall in love and you idolise your partner, for whatever reason. Maybe you think they have their life sorted out better than you do. So that means, you would tend to put them on a pedestal and you idolise them. You start to question your own set of Life Values and think your Life Values are wrong and their Life Values are better. So you inject their set of values into yours’. Then you start saying to yourself, ‘I should be doing this’, ‘I ought to be doing that’ and then, guess what happens? You start to live your life through their set of Life Values and you start to have internal conflicts and moral dilemmas.

Or, it can be the other way around too, you can have a life partner and minimise or belittle them, so they are in the pits in your eyes. You think that all that they say and do is wrong and you project your set of Life Values on to them. You say to them, ‘you’re supposed to be doing this’, ‘you ought to be doing that’, etc. This is where the problems start, and it causes major conflict going forwards.

Your Life Values dictate your destiny.

So, trying to live your set of Life Values through someone else’s Life Values, is going to cause internal dilemmas. The hierarchy of things on your list of Life Values shows how organised you are and how disorganised things can get. What I mean is, that the things highest on your list of Life Values gets done first and there is never enough time for things low down on your value list. So this where your sense of order comes in and where your discipline is. If someone says to you, please do this (e.g. wash the car) and it’s not high up on your value list, you’ll just say ‘yeah, yeah I’ll get around to doing it soon’, and you will live according to your values. So, if it’s high on your value list, it will be done first and if not, you will tend to be lazy and procrastinate and you will be nagged about it until it gets done. So speed and discipline comes from how high it is on your list of Life Values!

Next time you have a conflict with your partner, remember that their set of Life Values are different to yours’ and maybe you can understand them better and your conflicts will start to melt away.

Maria Allegria 


The Power of Certainty In Your Life

by maradm on December 28, 2011

Power of Certainty

If you have certainty in your life, this is the power that guides you.

When you are certain of something, the feeling you feel inside you, is completely different to ‘beliving’ it’s true. When you stand in a place of certainty, the world will bring to you all that you are sure about. It becomes your reality.

Creating the life you desire is ‘knowing’ it to already have happened, so ‘knowing’ it to be true. There is no weakness in the word. This is the Power of Certainty.

So, imagine you have identified an area in your life where you use the word ‘belief/believe’. Simply substitute the word ‘belief’ for the word ‘know’ and see how it feels. Be aware, because this is change starting to happen. As you observe your thoughts and feelings be sure they are your own, not what someone else has told you to think. How did it feel to use the word ‘know’ instead? Did it feel right to say ‘I know it’? If it didn’t, then there is a reason why it didn’t and you need to discover that for yourself. If it didn’t feel right, then you have a few options. You can sweep it under the carpet and forget why it didn’t feel right. Or continue to use the word ‘believe’ as you now know, you do not know. This is good as it’s a transition point. You are getting close to certainty, which is a great place to be.  Or you can either ‘know’ it or ‘not know’ it. The negative use of the word ‘know’ is infinitely more powerful than the word ‘believe’ as when you say ‘I don’t know’, it’s certain. You know that you don’t know!

The Power of Certainty is not saying “I’ll believe it when I see it!” because it’s a false illusion. Because, it is in ‘knowing it’ you will see it! Belief is a weakness of the mind and does not help you get the life you desire. Needing to see something before knowing it’s there, does not mean it’s not there. When you are in the dark and you can’t see the tree in front of you until you are right beside it, doesn’t mean that it’s not there. You can’t see it, but it’s still there. The reason we don’t see opportunities, it’s because we haven’t determined what we are looking for. There are an abundance of opportunities out there.

So now, spend some time thinking of things you ‘know’ are true, then spend some time in thinking of things you ‘believe’ are true. The Power of Certainty will make you feel an unmistakable difference. The two things are worlds apart. You now know it!

When you know something, you know it. Certainty is built in. You know it, so therefore it’s true. That’s the very essence of creating the life you desire, you have to know it.

Step forth in The Power of Certainty and the life you desire will come to meet you! Do it now, don’t hesitate, get Power of Certainty into your life and start creating!

Maria Allegria



Stop Complaining! – The Benefits Versus The Costs

December 21, 2011

How do you break the pattern of complaining or being in persistent complaint? The first thing to do is to realise you have a complaint about something. For example, if your partner leaves the tap off the toothpaste in the morning (every morning!) and it bugs you – that’s a persistent complaint. Or maybe you [...]

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Decisions, Decisions!

December 19, 2011

Making difficult decisions has always been a life stopper. It’s unbelievable how long we can actually resist, without making a certain decision. Our lives can drift for years and years because we just can’t make certain decisions. I have a very close friend called Christina who just couldn’t decide whether to stay in London permanently or [...]

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