My 5 Successes!

by maradm on January 2, 2012

  • Sumo

My 5 successes

At the end of each day, I write down in my Success Log, a list of my 5 Successes of the Day..

My 5 Successes… 

For example, I wrote down today that I did my personal finances and banking and got them all up to date. I paid my bills, added up all my expenses so I can keep a close eye on them. That’s what I think is a great success and feeling of satisfaction, because I know what’s happening with my finances and it eliminates any nasty surprises at the end of the month.

Next, I went through a pile of papers that were sitting on my desk for a few weeks, which were just piling up higher and higher. I reduced the pile to less than a quarter of the size and actioned the most important ones immediately.

After that, I returned a phone call to a good friend of mine who had left message on my answer machine a few days ago. She inspired me to start back with my meditation and yoga classes again. I also got a great invitation to visit her in Denmark next month. I can’t wait!

Next thing I knew, with no delay, I was booking my flights to Denmark! So that was a great success in itself! Booking time out to see my great friend and knowing that it’s something I can look forward to in the coming weeks was just fantastic.

Lastly, one of my 5 successes was that I finally made it to the charity shop with some things I had put aside to give away. While I was in the shop, I bought a book that had caught my eye on the book shelf; it was Robert G Allen’s book Multiple Streams of Millions. I’ve been meaning to read that book for ages, so I’ve started reading it immediately.

So when I look back on my day and reflect on all the things I did, I get great satisfaction in knowing that all of these things in my life are getting done. The most amazing thing is that I find I’m really pushing myself to do more and more things. So during the day, I remind myself that I have to have my 5 Successes to write into my Success Log so I’m getting loads more things done every day! The most important thing is, I don’t want the dilemma of having nothing to write in my Success Log, so it’s really amazing how much it pushes me to get things done!

Remember that Successes bring on other Successes! When you feel like you are achieving things and getting things done, there is a great satisfaction and euphoria attached to it. It is one of the greatest motivators in getting the life you desire quickly. So, start today, start this minute, right now, start to record all of your Successes of each day and you will have great Success in your Life.

Maria Allegria 

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