Do We Have A Life Purpose?

by maradm on December 3, 2011

  • Sumo

Life Purpose

How can we find out what our life purpose is?

Well it’s not the usual things you do, like your job or your family or your daily things. It’s the reason why you exist. It’s something you can believe in or not, it actually doesn’t matter. The thing is that we all have a reason to be on this planet and it is our life purpose. If you discover it early in life and follow it, fantastic!

There’s quite a simple way to discover your life purpose. There are other more complicated ways too. But let’s start with the most simple one.

Start writing on a blank piece of paper:

What is my true purpose in life?

Keep writing until you can’t think anything more, write 30 things that it can be, then start writing maybe another 100 more, small phrases, words, sentences whatever comes, let it flow. Keep pushing yourself until you reach a point where one of them moves you and makes you cry. This is your life purpose.

When you manage to push past the false answers or your ego or mind talking to you. You will get the feeling that your life purpose has come from a different source. It will just sit with you naturally and you will feel moved.

When I did it, it took me about 30 mins and I was truly touched by the outcome. My life purpose is to be love and affection to all around me and to help anyone who comes my way to find what their life is all about and how to live it powerfully and passionately.

Have a go yourself and see how you get on, you’ll surprise yourself!

Maria Allegria



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