If you want to become a Money Magnet, you really have to desire it.
You need a strong burning desire to have it and you need to do all it takes to get it.
If you take 2 people and they both read same book on wealth creation, one will become extremely successful and other person’s life will stay exactly the same. One turns on the money magnet and makes it work for them.
There are some simple things that you can do, to get yourself going:
1st thing: Write down on a piece of paper a person who is a money magnet. Write down how they would act. How they would be feeling. Where they would go. Make sure you write it, because then it starts to work on the subconscious mind.
2nd thing: Concentrate on their particular emotions that they would be feeling. Write them down in tiny detail. For example, peacefulness, powerfulness, calmness, strength, safety, freedom.
3rd thing: Take on being this character like a role in a play. Stay in the character at all times. Once you have accepted the role in this play, it becomes serendipitous, things do start to happen. What happens is, you make your mind attract to you precisely the things that make you a millionaire. If you become a millionaire in your mind first, the rest will simply follow. When you’ve reached your goals, you can start to enjoy the reality of it. Be very specific about what you want. Don’t fall off the path once you start on it. Don’t switch out of your role, no matter what happens. Your money will leave you if you get off your path. You are a money magnet! You are wealth! Only good fortune can come to you!
4th thing: Give a bit of that wealth away on a consistent basis. if 10% is too much, then 1% is good for now. Give it away happily, from your heart, freely. Don’t let it be a tax benefit, or for recognition. When you give it away, it creates a void, a vacuum. The universe fills that void with whatever you’re giving away. So if you want more money, give some of it away on a consistent basis. Decide the life you really want. Live it. Feel it. Be it!
Maria Allegria