If You Value Yourself, Riches Will Come To You

by maradm on January 8, 2012

  • Sumo

If You Value Yourself, Riches Will Come To You.  If you don’t value yourself, your riches will go to those you value more than yourself.

The good thing is, you can change your self-esteem and you can learn to value yourself.

How can you value yourself more?

Make sure you surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of toxic relationships Be close to those who love and care about you, and those who treat you well. Avoid negative people especially those who treat you badly. A lot of how we feel about ourselves depends on how much we feel loved and accepted by others.

Recognize that you have skills and talents and they are unique to you. Build up on them and become even better, so you become an expert and people will come to you for help.

Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are perfect the way you are and accept it. You don’t have to be the coolest person in a group, you don’t have to be the best looking. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop letting others get the best of you. Eleanor Roosevelt was right when she said “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” Be unique, be different, be best person you can be.

Make eye contact with people often. Smile at them and wait for them to smile back. Stand tall and be proud of yourself, no matter what.

Put on your best clothes every day, Don’t wear your scruffy clothes until they have holes in them even around the house. So dress nicely and you will feel better, stronger and much more alive.

Think about those who don’t have the things you have and use that as inspiration to appreciate yourself!

Do something nice for someone. Remember, some people can’t see, hear, walk, or even talk—so, if you’re better off, be thankful, appreciate yourself and start living the life you were meant to live.

Don’t allow obstacles, personal insecurities and a “victim” mentality to rob you of the pleasure of achieving your goals. Set your goals and give them a deadline. Otherwise they are just a dream.

Make a decision to feel worthy and deserving of goodness flowing through you and to you. Expect a good life and demand it for yourself. You don’t need anyone’s stamp of approval to feel good about yourself. So, don’t be afraid. You are a unique and special person with an important contribution to make to the world.

Start practicing straight away, value yourself immediately, so you can get the life you love right now.

Maria Allegria


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